Alpine, Alabama
December 2021
You are something!
Often, I just see things and they shout, but sometimes whisper messages to me, so that is when I grab a picture. Being a visual person and having my phone glued to my hand that is easy. Pictures work much better when I want to hold on to a memory. Tried downloading whole articles that speak to me and just ended up being lost in all the info out there. For me it is absolutely true that a picture is worth a 1000 words. I discovered blogs I had written years ago that I thought were lost. That has encouraged me to do some more with blogging but with a bit of a different slant...that means doing it how I darn well want at the time. I want to use pictures that speak to me and pass the message on. When the idea is but a whisper I love photo editing apps so you will get what I saw in the moment...sometimes my quirky just has to escapes. Other times the instance is just yelling to look and those images are straight forward.
For the first in the series, I want you to meet Kona. The moment was giving me the message to pour a little, or lot of, love and trust in myself and...hey girl get goin'!