Monday, January 31, 2022



I have been playing with how I perceive things and how I make them visible.  So, I’m weaving some together in a way that is fun for me to do. Today #grabatag is making its first venture into the wider world here.


Giving names to experiences and emotions to allow them to be perceived more deeply and easily recalled.  To hashtag the memory.

Ok the launch….



A flock of Migrating birds 

Solemn and still winter and I wait for signs of spring.  The sameness of days follow in a continuous stream while my attention drifts.  Suddenly on yet another unremarkable day the springflingers arrive.  They dip and dive, fling leaves about, screech greetings to friends and suddenly in a cloud they are up in the tree tops, then off. The first announcement of spring is always a celebration.