September 3, 2015
Gather ‘round one and all, Nature’s lesson time begins just now…this week’s guest is The Amazing Potential…here to mystify and amaze. By way of introduction let me say, Potential’s shapes are many and as varied as all the world around. The tiny seed has a majestic tree tucked safely in its heart…the hungry, earthbound caterpillar retires into its cocoon only to emerge... a sky-bound butterfly with winged cape held wide… a diminutive nodding flower throws a party beckoning guests with little bits of nectar…as these guests depart what's left behind is more potential still…the promise of bounty for our table…and perhaps a party of our own. There is much more to come so please welcome our special guest.
The Amazing Potential, appears quietly on the stage, nods and with a flourish places an odd looking plant upon the stand. “Dear ones, the plant before you a Night Blooming Cereus and I are here to show you one of my more amazing feats .”

The lesson begins .... I am often a surprise, Potential begins the show by saying...I'm always there but sometimes hidden under wraps. The surface may not even hint at what amazing things are there for you to see. So you must be open, attentive and don't rush to judge. The Night Blooming Cereus is my gift to you as a reminder. The leaves are flat and grow at awkward angles...some even wave high above the plant. It has no space to lovingly cup a flower to its heart. Ahhh, but the inventive Cereus handles this..out of the knife edge of the leaf a miracle begins. Sturdy and determined it starts to grow...but dangling down and staying close to mom.
Now but a few days later ... what is happening...No longer just a babe it is strengthening with determination and begins to curve up toward the world ... its special gift is forming still. Now children, even perhaps like you, this bud's potential is clenched tightly at its core...but wait!!! Can you guess what it has to offer the world? It is time to see!

For the finale
There is mystery in this story also! Our flower has special requirements for the show. It must be late in the evening and there is only one this magic is just for you ... a guest at the show but know ...the really special things may not be bright and loud and shiny but quiet and mysterious instead.
And so it begins!!!
The evening is humid and still...perfect for this offering. Our bud begins to stretch open and fling arms wide. Its delicate perfume is calling to notify all who might wish to attend that something beautiful is being created and the time has come to begin. Patience is needed ... sometimes potential must work its way slowly and carefully into the world.
And so children ...The promise that began as a small package just over a week ago has been delivered to the world. There is such beauty here and also lessons to learn. Potential is everywhere not just where you expect to see it...often to enjoy it you might have to take the time to seek it out...also, don't think that you know what it will look like...wait for the surprise and, most especially know...each of you has your own bud of potential waiting to surprise the world...and maybe even surprise let it grow!