Tuesday, September 8, 2015
August 18, 2015
Mother Nature is carrying a great armful of clouds across the sky today... spilling raindrops as she goes. Her treasure is being scattered on the land. With a cupped hand, I reach to catch tiny vessels weighted with potential. Reflected on their surfaces is the world around... advertising all that they support...while being held in life’s transparent skin. I marvel at all the pursed lips waiting to draw in these life giving parcels…or the chain reaction the gentle taps start in motion...and how without these pats, life would not exist.
Broadening my view I see a world…containers all...each a different shape and size...each vital...each interconnected and brimming with what they have to offer. Yes, but what about that stone or the soil?...then buildings, food crops and a chain of images flow from these. Once 'potential' is the lens used to view the world, I play with it. Next, I peek and see that each human, like the rest of nature is filled with their special offerings and tell myself... we all come equipped, so just relax and let it flow.