Friday, September 11, 2015



Alpine, Al

Nature bent and lovingly drew a blanket of fog across the land while many of her charges slept.  The start of this new day has an added layer of batting... insulating it ... a Saturday morning 'sleeping in' feel has settled all around.  In this lull before life's engine begins to rumble, bare feet lead me toward the garden.  Morning dew is damp against my toes and cool air sidles past my knees... giving them a pat.  Following a string of humid days this coolness nudges me towards awareness .  The garden is just ahead and also a choice... do I sit and observe as the world wakes and stretches into life or stroll the path and join that life as it begins to stir?  Standing at the fork where I must choose I am filled with gratitude...for this time to pause, for Nature's bounty all around, for the ability to walk and thus feel the damp upon my feet, for the opportunity of choice, and for being present to see and feel it all...and, of course, for this fog.