Tuesday, September 8, 2015



August 13, 2015

This has been a puzzle pieces kind of day...in order to get one thing done, first other pieces  must be moved  all over the board of life.  You know... one of the jangling  phone calls, canned music wait times, round and round with people and answers kinds of day.  Now it's evening and storming... the phone is chiming out the warnings ...a tinkling kind of tune for dire announcements!   At this point life could  easily have added a period  to this day's  narrative and called it quits...instead nature tapped me on my shoulder and gifted me with a memory.  I close my eyes and I'm transported to  a different time and place.  This  world  is wrapped in  heat and stillness... so quiet I must be the only creature for miles around.  My attention is drawn heavenward to a shadow passing by.  High above a hawk is solemnly riding  thermals.  With a slow, downward wing beat he thrusts himself even closer to the sun...then begins a long, slow glide.  Suspended in the sky,  he floats in larger and larger circles balanced  between heaven and earth.   I watch as he goes round and round and round just gliding .   What is his perspective on this world spread so far below?  How tiny and insignificant much of it must be to a creature that can autograph the heavens.  Suddenly, I'm  back to earth with  thunder rumbling and rain pattering ...but how different this day now feels after gliding with a hawk.