Sunday, September 13, 2015



Alpine, AL

Cupped in Mother Nature’s outstretched hands is a morning of such crystalline perfection…I hold my breath so as not to jar the moment.  Just yesterday in her browning and tattered dress, late summer greeted early risers.  Gripped in her humid hug she was unwilling to allow any to wander about without her.  However, this morning’s guest, Fall, crisp and spritely but possibly just passing through, has come to pay a visit.  With a courtly bow he flings arms wide in invitation.  There is such release and freedom in the offer I can’t resist rushing out.  I’ve got to sip from this goblet of ‘early morning champagne’.  The world seems heady with the feeling that everything is achingly beautiful and of great value on this glorious morning.  The dew glittering on some of meadow’s handiwork…once overlooked now holds such beauty…or the
spider web of dewdrop diamonds strung to sway and glitter on the grass, the cool morning air encourages me on…there is so much more to see.

As the party winds down and my footsteps lead back inside, I’m given a final gift of roses to commemorate this day.  Roses, but not new, perky blooms whose youth and inexperience holds not the depth of knowing needed for today…no these beauties are soft and weighted with the experience of life. The missing petals are but echoes of a younger self but what remains is filled with promise, reminders and joy.  The promise that things will always change, the reminder that spring will come again and the joy of knowing that this amazing morning resides securely in my heart.